MISSAB has gone decisive to take some concrete academic steps : launching fellowship opportunities at dedicated MIS centres.
Goal: This training is aimed at surgeons who wish to enhance their training in minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS).This will help a MISSAB member fellow learn basic to advances of MISS.
Benefits: Exposure to centre specific MISS techniques.
Certification: The candidate will be honoured with a certificate at the subsequent annual conference.
1. MISSAB membership
2. Committed Interest in MISS
3. The fellow has to maintain a log book and take the tutor’s signature at the end and share the copy with the MISSAB secretariat
Duration of Fellowship: 3 weeks
Recognition of the Centre:
1. The prospective centre should express their interest by mailing the secretary, MISSAB (secretarymissab@gmail.com) describing its qualifications to fulfil the criteria. The executive committee will take a decision and recognise the centre
2. The centre’s position to continue fellowship will be renewed every 3rd year by the EC. For this, the centre will be notified in advance.
Criteria’s for Fellowship Centre:
1. Tutor should be a MISSAB member
2. More than 80% of operative work should relate to MISS
3. Permission from the hospital authorities to permit fellowship
4. There should be emphasis for publications and research
How to apply?
1. Interested candidates have to apply to secretarymissab@gmail.com indicating their choice of centre.
2. Depending upon the logistics of the MISS mentor of the centre, MISSAB will organize the scheduling of the fellowship. The applied Centre will reply back through MISSAB about availability of convenient dates.
The following are the available MISSAB accredited training centres and Mentors.